
Myth busters: What successful careers are …

It is often understood that successful careers are about higher designations, bigger organisations and fatter wallet possibilities. While some of these may indeed be a cocktail of rewards, careers are not just these alone. In my own experience as a career coach, I have been appalled to see how widespread the disillusionment with organisations, their leaders and their own careers is. They remain stuck because of the career myths that we all have conveniently rationalised our situations with. However, myths are often just that and need to be contested.

Careers are yours, not theirs: The challenge with the subject is that we forget that we own our careers. However, much of our actions are in response to what the world may think. We start to make decisions to live up to a Pygmalion expectation. The reality is the external world has more to worry about than be obsessed with any of us. Everyone may have an opinion but it always squarely remains ours.

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