How have the schools’ processes and resources evolved over the past 200 years?

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The five key resources and processes in schools are – content (subject boundaries for a class), timetable, academic planning, communication in classrooms, and teachers as a resource. The following tabular representation charts out the comparative status of the five resources and processes in the years 1810s and 2010s. It is apparent from the comparison that […]

State of systems and processes in schools

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Systems and processes are critical building blocks of institutions. Their criticalness lies in setting the minimum default delivery standards; strong systems and processes in a school will translate into a higher minimum benchmark quality of education. Here is a brief appraisal of the state of systems and processes in schools: Schools as a system seem […]


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The world was never flatter “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.”– Niels Bohr We, humans, haven’t been able to explain, interpret and learn from the past; hence, predicting the future is a long shot. We hope that reflecting our opinions on directions where several industries seem to be heading for in the future, […]

The crisis in school education has reached the point of inflection

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The invention of schools as the social institution entrusted with mass education of children most amazingly supported the industrial revolution despite several inherent structural deficiencies. The five of the more troublesome structural deficiencies are: Schools could not skill students as self-learners. Schools could not adequately educate even the majority of enrolled students – schools could […]

Schools are ill-designed for providing quality education in knowledge society

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A very important question, any discussion on it hinges on the definition of ‘quality education’. The schools as we see today, ‘the industrial society schools’, have a very simple definition of quality – maximise the fraction of total students who excel in the public examination that assesses the knowledge of the prescribed syllabus. In other […]

Schools matured in organizational terms, over the past 200 years

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It is very revealing to explore the evolution of the organizational aspects of schools over the past 200 years. To be specific in comparison, we have chosen five important organizational dimensions as listed in the tabular representation. We have analysed and reported the state of each dimension at the two end-points – 1810s (chosen to […]

Pointers to the quality of education in schools

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Strangely, consistency in quality of delivery is the hallmark of excellence (as long as the quality is above par). The highest level of quality is desirable but subordinate to consistency of the stated quality in order of importance. Conceivably, measurement of quality is a seriously tricky business; it gets bad if there are multiple ‘stars’ […]

Current goals of the school education system

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Institutional goals have the single-most important impact on institutional outcomes. The importance of goals becomes all the more critical for institutional efficiency and effectiveness when an institution is under stress, much the way school education system finds itself stuck in. Goals get knotty for schools because the implicit goals override the explicit ones. Here is […]

What should be done about handwriting skills of children

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The issue of slow and poor handwriting is a fairly serious educational challenge. Digitalisation is no reason for acceptance of poor handwriting among school-going children because writing has a role in the larger development of children and a few academic subjects (such as Maths) are far from being computer friendly. The neural processes involved in […]