Future of IT workers

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Google’s computers OUTWIT their humans Google no longer understands how its ‘deep learning’, decision-making computer systems have made themselves so good at recognising things in photos. This means that the Internet giant may need fewer experts in the future as it can instead rely on its semi-autonomous, semi-smart machines to solve problems all on their […]


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At the outset, it must be acknowledged that we do not really know enough about reading except that it is a deeply neurological process, making great demands on the brain. Transformations due to extensive reading have been observed in the parts of brain that support the emergence of reading skill(s); reading is also linked to […]

Living and career have transformed in ways beyond our wildest dreams since the turn of this century. Has the definition of quality in school education changed in this century?

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No. And that is the problem! The definition of quality in education must change, but it has not. There is no ever-enduring standard of quality in any sphere of life and nature e.g. even after 100 years of existence (and experience), the definition of a luxury car changes every year; quality of education should be […]

Future of BioSciences

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The future of biosciences: four scenarios for 2020 and beyond -Paul Schoemaker and Michael Tomczyk In the coming years, the convergence of genomics, proteomics, stem cell research, regenerative medicine, bioinformatics, nanotechnology and other life science technologies will pose significant opportunities and challenges in every sector of society. Remarkable achievements in molecular science and other areas […]

(‘Industrial-era’) schools seem to be grossly under-delivering

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You may be totally surprised by our assertion that the schools are not under-delivering! Schools, as we see them today, were the social invention of a fast industrializingwestern society to ‘mass-produce’ ‘adequately literate and numerate’ industrial workers out its largely agricultural populace.To top it, the above goal was made ‘assuredly achievable’ by ‘not really working […]