The Supplementary Academic Aisle
It starts with securing excellence in mathematics, then, the other Achilles heel – biology; both till Grade X. Our invention is that our tuition services are just a few tens of hours in all subjects for K-12. We are conceptually focused, computational support is now very easy with AGI tools, such as ChatGPT.
Of course, concepts can never be taught, concepts are learned, and internalised over a period, with extensive reading and conversational engagement. That is also why we essentially educate parents, for children up to Grade VIII; children may also attend with their parents from Grade V onwards.
Grade IX-XI children are offered direct tuition services, first for mathematics and biology.
The Mainstream Academic Aisle
We are to launch three 1-Year (full-time) education for all of K-12 academics – mathematics, science, and social science. The first 1-Year is for the Grade II or III children, to get on the path to be fall in love with reading (fiction); the second 1-Year is for the Grade V or VI children, to achieve Grade IX or X competencies in mathematics, science and social science; the third 1-Year
How have we reduced academic learning time by over 75%?
There is a long story here, but the short of it is presented as follows.
First, the K-12 system is nearly 200 years old, founded at a time when the entire children population was almost first-generation learners, formally speaking. ‘4Ts’ – (Curated) Textbooks, teaching, teachers, and tests (of teaching, rather than learning) – were appropriate solutions; but we are still at it! ‘4Ts’ are outmoded.
We have cut textbooks, teaching, teachers, and tests by helping children and families become readers, read new genre books that are for learners, and then graduate them to read the best minds (popular genre book.)
Second, age-wise grades were the only means of enrolling and planning education (for first-generation learners no assessment of potential was possible, that too in a default mass-education system.) 200 years later age-wise grading is dead, we can assess children to fit grades. Age-wise and rigid grades is not right anymore.
Our grade-less books allow personalised learning paths, and allow children to be in multiple grades at the same time; for example, a child could very well be in ‘Grade VII Mathematics,’ in ‘Grade IX biology,’ in ‘Grade VI physical geography,’ and so on.
Third, and perhaps the most hurtful, is the fact that the grade-wise curricular and syllabi distribution is speculative at best, and convenient for teaching at worst. For, we still know little about how we learn, and we have averaged that capability and process at a mass level, and that kills whatever good there may be. It could be easily verified by ANY devoted teacher/educator that the textbooks are too fragmented, too slow in progression across grades, and too conversative.
We have so narrated and plugged the holes in concepts that just three-year academic education is enough for the entire K-12, for a well-reading child and a committed family. Our books are uniquely storied and extensive on concepts.
Fourth, K-12 has remained firmly rooted in excluding parents from any active role (except as financial or HW support providers). It was a necessity when parents were not formally educated. In the current times, it is very disabling, in many ways, and must be stopped forthwith.
Academic Aisle is centred on parents, and this may be the most significant educational revolution in human history. It is built on a foundation of exceptional educational principles, placing family and community as the primary educational institution; education is to raise cultured adults, including the culture of technology. Moreover, it embodies unparalleled virtue by fostering childhood-centered societies that nurture close-knit families, thereby strengthening the fabric of our communities. It also acts as a force multiplier by transforming adults into role-model learners, where parents serve as academic peers rather than traditional teachers.
In the immediate, parent’s personal academic rigourisation will fuel the promise of economic miracle of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.