Grades V+ |
First Industrial Revolution
Techno-economic Features
in the 1800s |
Consequently, the focus* of K-12 then (still) |
Change of focus needed in the ‘New, 4IR K-12’ |
Fourth Industrial Revolution
Techno-economic Features
in the 2020s |
Science itself was new |
Science |
TO |
Technology |
It’s Intensely Technological |
Engineering was expensive, too specialised |
Experiments |
TO |
Engineering |
Engineering is easier and can be simulated too |
Basic arithmetical computations |
Computational Methods |
TO |
Mathematical Thinking, Mind; Mathematising real-world situations |
AGI personifies mathematised artificial human |
Mechanical factories needed fewer competencies |
Adequate competence in a few intelligences; more to be adequately right |
TO |
Meta-intelligence – critical, creative, and analytical THINKING – is needed
for harnessing multi-intelligences |
Ability to adapt, synthesize, and navigate complex environments |
Language of academics be enough to get instruction |
Language competence – Social (‘Level II’) |
TO |
Language competence – Academic (‘Level IV’ – beyond literature level) |
THINKING prowess is key - best embodied in skilled language |
Basic Math, Science, Engineering etc. mattered most |
20th Century skills – IQ (‘Hard, Technical Skills’) focus in schools |
TO |
21st century skills – EQ, SQ, Social Q, Creative Q, Digital Q, Cultural Q,
Moral Q … (‘Soft skills’) – needs best education in psychology, sociology, philosophy, polity, dialectics, …
Global village of consumers, producers, investors, and even cultural and
political integration is a gift of 4IR |
Curated knowledge was the only option |
Textbooks |
TO |
Popular Genre books |
Knowing the best minds is an imperative |
Supervisory span of control |
Classrooms |
TO |
Corridors/Aisles/ Grounds/Community |
Globalisation, diversity is key |
Mass scale was key (Age-wise grades helped) |
Grades/Classes |
TO |
Dissolved |
Personalisation is the key |
Each ‘station’ in the factory is all that there is |
Rigidly limited to Grade expectations and resources |
TO |
Acceleration, not just enrichment around the age of children |
‘Network organisations’ are dynamic |
Defect detection is more to cover defects to let products pass quality tests
The remedial process is almost wholly aimed at filling up gaps to enable
children to move to the next grade |
TO |
Re-education, not remedial to address the foundational gaps and the hierarchy
of concepts; in time, NO child is left behind |
In modern, data-driven, digital processes defects ‘auto-feed’ capability
improvement |
All first-gen learners meant manuals had to be read to ALL |
Teaching/Class-work |
TO |
Learning (Teaching ≠ learning, ever)
≡ Reading, Conversations & Research
Knowing how to know is the key |
Someone had to be trained to read and explain manuals to ALL |
Teachers |
TO |
(Thinking ) Peer
Teachers to bring in domain knowledge to refine domain thinking
Think and seek Knowledge
Quality of thinking is of value |
The community had no role in prepping for the revolution |
Parents |
TO |
(Learning) Peer
Learning is personal, needs empathetic, continuous support
Learning has to be a habit |
Test of manuals was a test of memory |
Tests/Exams |
TO |
Creations (physical, narration, written)
In AI-age, theory is of little value |
Evaluation by the instructor (who else?) |
(Closed) Evaluation |
TO |
Public/Open Evaluation
Global benchmarking is easier, done |
Practice and repeat was the only way to master something |
Homework, Supplement & complement to CW |
TO |
Independent Study, not directed; not supplement or complement to CW
Learning must be refined |
A common working culture needed |
Civilised |
TO |
Rootedness is desirable in 4IR |
Academic literacy was the need, the new demand |
Academics was the main focus – the ‘curricular’ subjects |
TO |
Co-curricular (all of the ‘cultural intelligences’) is the New Curricular
Cultural differences are value-adding |
Factories had rather rigid rules about everything |
Elaborate, special Rules to govern the sub-society that is school |
TO |
Same cultural practices and values as the larger society/community; nothing
Corporates are more organic compared to the past |
Each factory follows its own set of rules, goals, and culture |
Schools are really ‘Textbook schools;’ for instance, a Grade XI physics
teacher teaches the physics textbook rather than physics in the real sense.
Schools are insular, and in a way global (the way they follow textbooks)
TO |
‘Living School’ – Real education in the ‘Real World’
Modern businesses are too global and tightly connected to the pulse of the
larger society |
It is founded on the premise that privileged children face the most miseducation. This is not just because
the current school system is totally gapped out, it is because such children need a comprehensively
different education to be personally, socially, culturally, professionally, and civicly self-actualised role
models. Grow to carry on their legacy, contemporise it, and catalyse it to accelerate the socio-economic
growth of their community, society, and nation. |
To be frank, our personal goal is to handhold their growth to not be rent-seekers of any shade, be among the
most productive people of their times. |
Lest you are thinking that this is elitist, I must offer the social imperative that is driving this version
of The Liberal School. I like it or not, the lead users of the next-gen education system would be the most
financially accomplished families. The best of the middle-class, and the rest would follow their cues. To be
true, we expect to build the mass version of The Liberal School in due course. |