Assessments and memory

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While it may seem like studying and rehearsing information is the best way to ensure that you will remember it later, researchers have found that being tested on information is actually one of the best ways to improve recall. A study appearing in the November 2006 issue of the Journal of Experimental Psychology reports that […]

Memory is linked to learning

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Memory is a critical mental process and without memory we will be exactly like a machine’s programmed behaviour. We will be capable of nothing but simple reflexes and stereotyped behaviours. Without memory we cannot modify our behaviour, we cannot learn! Learning is yet another fundamental process; it is the ‘capability’/process that enables us to change […]

What is memory?

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Memory is a process, not ‘a thing’, not ‘a physical organ’, not ‘just a store’ to place and retrieve information. Memory is not ‘a static entity like the hard disk of a computer’, thankfully. Memory as a process implies that memory is not an organ in our brain and represents a series of activities of […]