Reading – the TINA factor

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Learning to read lies outside the original repertoire of the human brain’s functions and requires a whole new circuit to be built afresh for every new reader.Reading transforms the human brain, which transforms the mind, which, in turn, transforms the life of the reader. Literally and physiologically, there is no genetic blueprint for reading – […]

The role of schools in cultivating expert reading skills in children

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There’s bad news for parents – schools have only a secondary role in cultivating reading skills among children. Homes, role-modeled by parents, are the primary spaces for developing higher level reading skills. Reading is a highly intensive, non-reflexive, time-consuming and collegial activity, not suitable for competitive, time-tabled schools.Happily, nonetheless, schools remain the prime planner, assessor […]

Good reading skills are not common among children

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Learning to read lies outside the original (i.e. genetic, by birth) repertoire of the human brain’s functions and requires a whole new ‘circuit’ to be build afresh for every child.Unlike vision or spoken language, there is no genetic blueprint for reading (literally and physiologically) and the brain changes itself to suit each individual reader’s medium […]

Reading is the most enriching learning process

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Surprising as it may sound, reading is the most extensive as well as intensive thinking process known to humans, far more than brainstorming sessions on a topic or the toughest intellectual problem-solving.Reading requires the automatic integration of several ‘deep-thinking’ processes. Here is a sample of such processes to the extent we could list (neuroscientists can […]

How do we read

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Reading is an acquired skill – we have to learn to read. The earliest record of written language (an organised system of symbols) is somewhere around 4000 BC. And as a skill for the masses, it is only a few centuries old. The invention of the printing press in the middle of the last millennium […]


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At the outset, it must be acknowledged that we do not really know enough about reading except that it is a deeply neurological process, making great demands on the brain. Transformations due to extensive reading have been observed in the parts of brain that support the emergence of reading skill(s); reading is also linked to […]