And among a handful of others across the globe, to author a book about Internet before the first dotcom bust in 2000!
Embracing the Net, 2000, Financial Times, UK, by Soumitra Dutta, Sandeep Srivastava.
Published during the 2000 dotcom bust, it was among the first ten global books about Internet and the first by Indians.
Soumitra Dutta is the dean of Said Business School at the University of Oxford.
To author the (world’s first and best-selling) book on e-governance, in 2001, India’s e-governance year.
Government @ Net – by Kiran Bedi, Parminder Jeet Singh,
Sandeep Srivastava.
The world’s first book on e-governance, the book was indeed far ahead of its time. The book propositioned that there is nothing virtual about e-governance, it’s about new governance.
Kiran Bedi became the first woman to join the officer ranks of the Indian Police Service (IPS).
Parminder Jeet Singh was a police officer but currently a leading digital society researcher and author.
Along with the Co-authors, to publish books on strategies for transforming businesses, both pre- and post-dotcom bust, 2000.
The Bright Stuff: How Innovative People and Technology Can Make the Old Economy New 2001, Prentice Hall, USA, by Arnoud De Meyer, Soumitra Dutta, Sandeep Srivastava.
Published in the aftermath of the 2000 bust, it recommended “Innovation as Strategy”, probably too ahead of its time.
Arnoud De Meyer was the past President of the Singapore Management University (SMU).
To have authored a narrative on a new world order and later proved the same real; the norm being the other way – ‘do and then narrate’.
IYCWorld Softinfrastructure Private Limited (IYCWorld) was established in 2001 and has over the years evolved into a Total Information Technology Solution provider. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, covers the Middle East, Europe and the Indian subcontinent.