The policy sidesteps the imperative of English in academics

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An educationally-sound appreciation and analysis of the Indian NEP (National Education Policy) is perhaps the best window to understanding the human development challenges in what is demographically going to be the most populous country in the world, with the youngest population, intensively and extensively diverse, middle-class educational ethos, entrepreneurial culture, etc. The third dimension of […]

The role of language in cognitive development

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An educationally-sound appreciation and analysis of the Indian NEP (National Education Policy) is perhaps the best window to understanding the human development challenges in what is demographically going to be the most populous country in the world, with the youngest population, intensively and extensively diverse, middle-class educational ethos, entrepreneurial culture, etc. The second dimension of […]

Will the policy work as designed for the last child or institution?

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An educationally-sound* appreciation and analysis of the Indian NEP (National Education Policy) is perhaps the best window to understanding the human development challenges in what is demographically going to be the most populous country in the world, with the youngest population, intensively and extensively diverse, middle-class educational ethos, entrepreneurial culture, etc. The first dimension of […]

Language in the knowledge society

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We are currently transitioning to the fourth industrial revolution driven by the fusion of knowledge and technologies blurring the lines between physical, digital, and biological spheres. The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and IT to automate […]