Do we really know our children?

Role of parents

Unfortunately, we do not really know our children. Sandeep discovered this reality the hard way as he and his wife started to ‘home educate’ their daughter. Expectedly, one of our research interests has been to uncover how much of the current state of entropy prevalent in school education (or education across the board for that […]

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Evaluating if there is any good in the Olympiads, ‘Smart classes’, ‘IIT coaching in schools’, ‘NASA trips’

Note on supplementary education

A recurring theme in the book is the medium to long term ill-effects of supplementary inputs (such as tuition) on children’s academic performance and overall development; too many masters are never a good idea. It must also be emphasised that schools are professionally best organised and resourced to offer ‘educationally appropriate’ inputs. More specifically, we […]

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Various careers in politics

Emergent roles

Are you a political junkie? Are you interested in politics, but don’t have the slightest interest in becoming a politician? As election cycles get longer and longer, opportunities abound for those interested in a career in the political arena. You may work a lot of hours and it can be stressful, especially at election time, […]

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